Beaches in Monemvasia
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Beaches in & around Monemvasia

Beaches in & around Monemvasia

Find great places to swim in Monemvasia and its surroundings

If you are feeling like taking a swim, Monemvasia and its area offers a wide variety of beaches for every taste:  whether sand or pebble, busy or isolated, all of them have crystal clean waters. 

Here you will find a selection of what we think the best beaches in the area grouped mostly by distance and location criteria.

So, after you consult our interactive map, you have to decide whether you stay to one of the beaches that are closer to Monemvasia or

- head southwards to the unique tropical-like beaches of Elafonisos and the other beaches in Vatika area

- head north to the beaches of Reichia and Kyparissi

- head west to the beaches of the Laconian Gulf

Click on the   icon on the map to see more information and pictures for each beach.

View Monemvasia Beaches in a larger map

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Contact Information

Monemvasia map
Monemvasia, Laconia, Greece, Zipcode: 23070
Tel.: +30 27315 00125, mob. +30 693 978 0001
Fax:+30 211 800 2870

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